Business Services


The Business Services office provides budget support for General Fund, Co-Curricular, Special Funds, Grants and Contracts. We provide support and monitor all phases of budget to include: acquisition of equipment and supplies, budget development & control, financial reporting and other financial administration needs.


The Business Services office strives to support the teaching and learning environment at San Diego Mesa College by providing effective, efficient, and customer friendly services to all faculty members, staff, students, and administrators, as well as customers both within and outside the college community.  We provide support and assistance for the College in the areas of sound accounting practices and the establishment of internal control that ensures accountability, maximizes total value and compliance of all financial resources while being a good steward of public funds.  We strive to maintain and enforce strong professional and ethical standards, while adhering to SDCCD policies and procedures.

View Budget Book

What we assist with:

  • Training on requisitions and travel procedures
  • Entering travel in PeopleSoft
  • Getting access to budget reports
  • Training on how to run and review budget reports
  • Reimbursements for Revolving and Co-Curricular
  • Processing payments for bookstore purchases and food services catering
  • Setting-up new vendors
  • Chargebacks for print, stockroom, mail and water

Administrative Forms

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Travel Request

Travel is now being handled in the new PeopleSoft system. Before your travel starts, and before you enter a travel request, you will need to complete the Travel Pre-Auth, which can be found on the Forms Page.

Reminder: All travelers are responsible to complete required paperwork, submit their travel authorization in PeopleSoft. Travelers are also responsible for booking hotel, flight and completing registration.

AP 7400 - Travel

Mesa Travel Process

District Paid Travel Process

Employee Paid Travel Process

For assistance and questions regarding the form and PeopleSoft, please call the Business Office at x2771,  email [email protected], or stop by in person to schedule an appointment for hands-on training in the new travel process. We will be happy to assist you.

Revolving Cash Fund

Can I buy supplies without going through the purchase order process?

Yes, but the purchase will need to come out of your pocket. Once you make the purchase, you will need to submit the required paperwork to get reimbursed through the Revolving Cash Fund(RCF)

View more information on the RCF

View information on what is a supply

What paperwork do I need to submit to get reimbursed?

You will need to submit a reimbursement check request form and original proof of payment showing payment method.

What is the limit on RCF reimbursements/payments?

The limit is $200.00, unless you are using Co-Curricular funds. Co-Curricular funds have no limit.

Can I get reimbursed through the RCF for any travel expenses?

No, any travel expenses need to be processed through either a Travel Request(TR) or a mileage reimbursement form.

Can I pay an invoice through the RCF?

Yes, as long as the invoice is for $200.00 or less.

When submitting an RCF request, please make sure to include the budget number to be charged and have the required signatures.

Purchase Order

A purchase order is created after a purchase requisition is initiated and approved through workflow in the PeopleSoft System.  Mesa College requires an internal process to ensure all steps are followed prior to entry into PeopleSoft. 

Please note that no employee can bind (sign for) Mesa College to any agreement.  All agreements must be reviewed by District Purchasing and Contract Services Department. This includes grants, maintenance agreements, contracts, and anything that requires a signature.

Mesa Purchasing Process

  1. We require a purchase order for all purchases of goods and services
  2. A purchase order is created after a requisition is approved via workflow in PeopleSoft
  3. For an agreement that must be signed, that agreement must first be reviewed by the Office of the Vice President of Administrative Services (VPA)
  4. A purchase starts with a Request for Requisition form
  5. Complete the Request For Requisition Form 
    1. The Data entry portion of the form is very important to ensure proper recording of budget, assets and services locations, and date needed
    2. Describe the item or service for the requisition clearly and concisely. Please do not just say “part” or “item #”.
    3. Provide justification, be specific explaining purpose and goal alignment for purchase
    4. Request budget manager approval and signature
  6. Submit all documents together
    1. Submit Completed Requisition Request Form
    2. Quote (Obtain a current quote (issued within the last 30 days) which will ultimately be attached to PeopleSoft during requisition process)
    3. Additional documents needed depending on request (Ex. Agreements, COI, additional quotes, invoices, flyers)
  7. The Request For Requisition Form will ask for information necessary prior to entry into PeopleSoft 
    1. Vendor must be approved. For new vendors, complete
      • Supplier Application Form
      • Vendor W-9

Please confirm with vendor first that they accept purchase orders, NET30 and checks before completing forms. If vendor does not accept terms we need to look for a different vendor.

Guest Lecturer / Performers

I am inviting a guest lecturer/performer and would like to pay him/her. What paperwork do I need to submit?

If the guest lecturer/performer is a District employee, he/she will need to be paid through Payroll, not through Business Services.

If the amount is less than $200 the lecturer/performer will be paid through the Revolving Cash Fund (RCF).

The following forms are required:

  • Requisition Request Form
  • Lecturer / Peformer Agreement
  • Certificate of Insurance or Waiver Form
  • Invoice
  • Flyer
  • The lecturer/performer will be paid through the Revolving Cash Fund(RCF).

All required paperwork must be submitted to Business Services at least two weeks prior to the event.

If the vendor is not in our system the following forms are needed:

  • W-9 (vendor fills out this form)
  • Supplier Application (Vendor fills out this form)

If vendor is an individual and not a business they have to be TIN match with the IRS first before processing payment request. Pleae allow two additional weeks if vendor needs to be TIN match.

Consultant Professional Services

I would like to use the services of a consultant/professional for my department. What paperwork do I need to submit?

The following forms are required for consultant/professional services:

  • Requisition Request Form
  • Consultant Agreement (signed by vendor, Project Manager and Chair/Dean)
  • Certificate of Insurance

If the vendor is not in our system, the following forms are needed:

  • W-9 (vendor fills out this form)
  • Supplier Intake (Supplier fills out this form)

Required paperwork must be submitted at least three weeks before services are rendered to allow District Purchasing & Contracts Services Department to review, sign agreements and issue PO. Before scheduling services contact Business Services to ensure PO is in place.

Meet the Team
