Register for Classes

Steps to Register

Each semester or summer session, you will have the opportunity to enroll in classes that bring you closer to your educational goals. We'll help guide you through the registration process so you can navigate your mySDCCD Portal, sign up for classes, and troubleshoot errors when enrolling. We even have helpful video resources and guides with step-by-step directions if you need extra support.

  1. Find Your Registration Date

    Once you complete your online application to become a student at Mesa College, you will automatically receive a registration date and time that indicates when you will be able to enroll in courses for an upcoming term (with the exception of Special-Admit High School students who are enrolled by the Admissions Office). You may register online at or after your designated time. Registration times typically begin around 2 weeks before the start of a semester and can be found on the College Student Dashboard in your mySDCCD Portal.

    Access your registration date
    Can't find your registration date? See our help guide for support

  2. Choose the Classes You Want to Enroll in

    If you are getting ready to enroll in classes and still need to make an abbreviated educational plan with the list of courses you plan to take for an upcoming semester, it's a good idea to meet with a counselor before you register.

    Visit Counseling to meet with a counselor

  3. Plan Your Schedule

    Once you have determined the classes you need to take, you can view the Course Schedule to see when our courses are being offered for an upcoming semester or session. Each course will come with a CRN: a five-digit code or class number. You will need this number when it is time to add the class to your course schedule.

    Learn how to find open courses

  4. Add Classes

    Review the following steps to register for classes:

    • First, access your mySDCCD Portal
    • Go to your College Student Dashboard
    • Find My Classes and choose Enrollment: Add Classes
    • Select the term you want to enroll in
    • Either enter a class number (CRN) or look up classes through "Class search"
    • Once you are happy with the course you've selected, you may choose Proceed for a final review of your classes, and then Finish Enrolling
    • Visit My Classes again to confirm that you have successfully enrolled
    • To pay for your classes, visit the My Finances tab and find Tuition and Fees
    • From here, you can make your payment

    You may add classes online until the deadline date published in the schedule of classes. To add a class once the semester has begun, you must obtain an add code (permission number) from the instructor. Once the add code is processed and you have paid for the course, you will be officially enrolled in the class.

    Watch a video about how to register

Why Can't I Add a Class?

All prerequisites (required preparatory courses), corequisites (courses that must be taken together), and limitations on enrollment are stated in the course descriptions and will be strictly enforced at the time of registration. If you do not meet the requirements, you will not be permitted to register for the course. If you believe you have met the prerequisite(s) at another institution or have the skills necessary to advance, we encourage you to have your transcripts evaluated and/or follow the appropriate challenge procedures.

Learn more about petitioning and clearing prerequisites
  • Waitlist or "Crash" a Class

    When a class is full, you may have the opportunity to place yourself on a wait list. If a space becomes available, you will automatically be added to the class as long as you have completed the required prerequisites and are eligible for the course.
    View crash list

    If you are on the waitlist when classes start, you must attend or "crash" the first class meeting. If you are unable to waitlist a class but still want to enroll, you are also encouraged to "crash" the first class. In either situation, you will only be able to add the class with an add code (permission number) from the instructor. It is your responsibility to check the status of your waitlisted classes and pay all fees in a timely manner.

    Watch a video about how to waitlist a class

    Watch a video about how to register from the waitlist with permission number (add code)
  • Remove a Hold

    If you have a hold on your account, you will not be permitted to register for classes until it is cleared. If you have an Accounting hold, you may pay through your student portal at mySDCCD. Note, that all high school students with a "Current HS Student" hold can only be enrolled by Admissions staff. Follow the admissions pathway for high school students to get started.

    Apply to Mesa College as a high school student

Dropping or Withdrawing from a Class

You may drop or withdraw from classes online until the published deadline dates.
Drop - A course drop means you are ending enrollment in a class prior to about the 20% point of class meetings. A drop is not recorded on your academic record.
Withdrawal - A withdrawal means you are ending enrollment in a class between about the 20% point and up to about the 60% point of class meetings. A withdrawal will be permanently recorded on your academic record and is included in progress probation and disqualification determination.

  • First, access your mySDCCD Portal
  • Go to your College Student Dashboard
  • Find My Classes and choose Enrollment: Drop Classes
  • Select the term you want to drop a class from and choose Continue
  • Select the course you want to drop using the checkbox
  • Choose Drop Selected Classes to review
  • Choose Finish Dropping to confirm the drop

Watch a video about how to drop a class

Administrative Drop

Your registration may be administratively canceled for any of the following reasons:

  • Failure to pay all mandatory fees in accordance with the described payment schedule
  • Use of an add code (permission number) issued to another student
  • Failure to meet the terms and conditions of a fee deferment or payment plan
  • Failure to meet academic or progress standards
  • Denial of a "Petition to Challenge a Prerequisite"
  • Failure to meet a prerequisite or corequisite requirement
  • Enrolling in an online course while residing in a state not approved by the department of education
  • Failure to show proof of immunizations on the first day of class for select Child Development courses

Priority Registration

In an effort to provide a fair and equitable registration system for all students, Mesa College has established a priority system for assigning registration appointments. Learn more about the requirements to receive priority registration.

Learn more about Priority Registration

Study Load Limit

The maximum study load for a semester is 20 academic units (not including physical education activity units and/or 25 units including physical education. In special circumstances, the Counseling Department may consider a request to increase this limit. Twelve units of credit are considered full-time, nine units is three-quarters time, and six units is half-time.

Need help with MySDCCD?

Find all the guides and resources you need on the mySDCCD support page.

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